Create Realistic Leather Texture - Photoshop Tutorial | Learn Psd

Step 1 : Take a new page
Take a new page or document from File > New and set the measurement like below.

 Step 2 : Apply Texture Filter
At first Set the default foreground and background color (Black and White) by pressing D from keyboard or click on the Default Foreground and Background Color icon lick below.

Now Go Filter > Texture > Texturizer a window will come click Stained Glass and set the values

Cell Size: 10
Border Thickness: 4
Light Intensity: 3
Then Press OK. and you will see result like below

Step 3 : Take a new layer and apply texture filter again
Press Shift+Ctrl+N for take a new layer or click on the create new layer icon from the layer palette.

Now fill in with White color. 
Go Edit > Fill a window will come set Use: White then OK.

Apply texture filter again like Step 2.
Change the Layer 1 opacity 50%

Prss Ctrl+E for marge both layer then see the result below

Step 4 : Add Noise Filter
Go Filter > Noise > Add Noise a dialog box will come

Set Amount: 20%
Distribution: Uniform and check the Monochromatic option.

Step 5 : Working with Channels panel
Press Ctrl+A for select all the clipboard.
Press Ctrl+C for copy all the clipboard.
Now open channels panel and click the create new channel icon like below

and you will see Alpha 1 channel created.
Now press Ctrl+V for paste.

Step 6 : Fill RGB Channel
Now we have to fill RGB Channels with dark color.
Select RGB form channels panel
Go Edit > Fill Use: Color... then select a dark color or color code is #2f2f2f just like below
Then press OK, OK.

Step 7 : Apply Lighting Effects Filter
Go Filter > Render > Lighting effect a window will come 

Set the Light Type: Omni
Negative: 16
Texture Channel : Alpha 1
Set some more light. Click on the small light icon and drag to move and set it like the picture above.
Press OK.
See the result below

Step 8 : Colorize it -Final Steps
Go Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation 
Set the values like below
Hue: 21
Saturation: 27
Lightness: -6
Check the Colorize option
Press OK and get your final image 

Thank you very much for learning this Photoshop Tutorials. If you have any questions or advise please comment us.

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